Career Love: 11 Reasons why I do what I do.

"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own." (Benjamin Disraeli)

When I tell people what I do for a living, most are typically intrigued.  They want to know what counseling is all about, do I have a couch in my office, wonder how on earth could I do this kind of work, and state vehemently that they couldn't ever work with "crazy people."  Well, to satisfy those kind of curiosities, here's a list of some of the reasons I do what I do.

1) I have the career I dreamed and worked towards for about for 25 years.  (It was worth the wait.)

2) I have never met a crazy person in my work.  Never.  Only people (like you and me) who don't know how to deal with the crazy circumstances life has a way of throwing at us. 

3) If I won the PowerBall lottery, I would keep this job.  Seriously.  I would.  I love it THAT much.

4) I LOVE working with college students. 

5) I am in awe of the changes people can and do make which then empowers them to complete their academic, personal and career goals.  Doesn't get better than that.

6) I hold up a mirror to show what I see in them.  Bringing to someone's attention that they already have within them the traits, skills, abilities and strength to solve whatever is challenging them is a powerful moment in that person's experience.  That kind of reminder from an impartial observer can literally change a person's life.

7) Supporting people while they pull themselves out of a difficult situation and have a better quality of life is worth more to me than any PowerBall lottery pay-out. 

8) I LOVE writing this blog, and am delighted that so many people are visiting and hopefully learning something new. 

9) I am passionate about being a lifelong learner to improve my skills, expand my experience base, and implement new modes in which to best deliver counseling services and wellness programs to everyone with whom I meet. [At this update, I'm earning my certification as a CEAP.]

10) I’m grateful that I get to do this kind of work.  I'm fully aware that jobs like mine are hard to come by.  I'm so lucky to have this job!

11) Of all of the careers I've had, I most enjoy coming to work every day as a therapist, and can't imagine doing anything else.

***May 2016 update:***  
I've decided to retire from my dream job…not because I've stopped loving it, but because I want to take it in a different direction:  I want to start a private practice and consulting business!  I'm excited, sad, petrified, and eager for this Second Dream Job to begin.

QUESTION:  Are you loving what you do for a living?  If yes, how did you get to where you are?  If not, what will it take for you to get there? 

©2013-2016. Robyn King. All Rights Reserved.