College Success: Study smart.

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I suspect that many students on our campus are in freak-out mode right about now.  Finals are around the corner, and the pressure to do well is ON.

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Break up the time you'll need to study into smaller, more manageable chunks.  For example, set a timer for a specific amount of quiet, uninterrupted study time (45 minutes to an hour) and focus, focus, focus.  Then give yourself a break for 15-20 minutes to have a snack, bathroom break or go outside for some fresh air.  Then get back to it.  Repeat as necessary.

If it's helpful to have a study buddy with you, have at it.  Just git 'er dun, cuz cramming never works.  Ever.

College Success: Lifelong Learning

Your education does not stop at graduation.

Your college degree has a very short shelf life.  In this economy, plan to commit yourself to lifelong learning.

Continue your education...Bachelor's, Master's, Doctorate...whatever is right for you. 

Learning also comes from reading all you can about your career: attending workshops, seminars and conferences, and learning from more experienced co-workers.

Education is like running a marathon without a finish line.  

Never stop learning and maintain your stride.

(c)2011-16 Robyn King.  All Rights Reserved.

College Success: Take care of what's bothering you.

Realize that if you have time to whine and complain about something, then you have time to do something about it.

Is something going on in your personal, work or college life that's bothering you or taking your focus away from your college responsibilities?

You can take immediate action by asking for help.

Make a check-in appointment with a counselor (518.381.1365) and discuss the problem openly.  The counselor is a highly-trained, non-judgmental listener, and will partner with you to find the right course of action.  You'll also receive unconditional support as you work through your issue.

(c)2011-2016 Robyn King.  All Rights Reserved.