Turn and face the strain...Ch-ch-changes....

               [Couldn't resist...Love me some vintage Bowie!]

A common complaint I hear in my counseling office is that one person declares that all the problems in his/her life would be gone...if only another person would change.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, this message bears repeating:  The only person who can change your happiness, success, circumstances, health and the direction of your life is Y.O.U.  And change is hard.

Miserable in a relationship?  Choose to do something about it--meet with a counselor who will help you strategize solutions that work for YOU.

Having trouble in your classes?  Choose to do something about it--meet with your professors during office hours, seek help in the Learning Center, request a tutor.

Hate your job?  Choose to do something about it--meet with someone in Career and Employment Services who will help jazz up your resume and show you how to search for another job.

Carrying around more weight than you'd like to?  Choose to do something about it--make an appointment with your general practitioner, have a complete physical and get on a healthy eating and exercise program that you're willing to do long-term.

What will you do?
See a pattern here?  "Choose to do something about it" is the secret.  It means the ball is always in your court--if you're willing to pick it up, that is. 

We all have choices whether to change or to stay the same.  It's as simple as that.  Making changes are often difficult, but consider this:  When you take control over your life and make good, healthy decisions to make it better, you will feel like you own the world.  It's empowering and encouraging to know that if you want something different than what you've got, you can make it happen.
(c)2012 Robyn M. Posson


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