Spring Cleaning

It's Spring Break, and I've spent the better part of my day cleaning my office.  When I'm embarrassed to have a student or colleague come into my space, that's when I know it's time to take action.  I took a whole box of paper (which previously took residence in piles all over the room), and shredded all of it.  Two Xerox paper boxes of tschotskes are going in the car to drop off at Goodwill. 

I can actually see the floor around my desk now.  No more tripping hazards.

I did NOT look this happy or fashionable when cleaning.
I typically don't have time to maintain the de-cluttering during the semester, so I take full advantage of every break to weed out all of the things I thought I couldn't live without, and donate, shred or chuck it. 

I find it interesting that the stuff I tossed today were things I chose to hang onto when I tidied up in January.  Funny how priorities change so quickly.

With the physical cleansing comes a parallel mental decluttering, too.  Choosing to lay down burdens over which I have no control, forgiving someone who's said something that hurt my feelings, and needless worry over money gets packed up and pushed out of my mind.  In its place is an internal peace that rejuvenates and replenishes my hope and gratitude.
As a result, my office looks cleaner and my mind is lighter.  I'm set to take on the rest of the semester with a decluttered work space, renewed energy and inner spaciousness.

Feels pretty damn good.

QUESTION:  Do you have internal and external clutter, and what do you do about it?

(c)2013 Robyn M. Posson


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