Wellness wisdom: Put the oxygen mask on yourself first.

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If you've ever flown on a commercial airplane, you've no doubt sat through the emergency shpiel given before take-off.  My favorite part is the oxygen mask:  In the event of an emergency, I am to put the mask on myself first so that I may help others around me.

This instruction is also true of daily living.  Some of us are givers, and give-give-give until we have nothing left for ourselves and wonder why we're always tired, out-of-steam, anxious and not very happy.

The oxygen mask represents making self-care the primary priority.  It's literally our life-line that must be attended to daily.  Are you eating at least three times a day with healthy snacks between?  Drinking 8 cups of water?  Getting regular exercise?  Waking up refreshed after a good night's sleep?  Having FUN?  

If we're not at our best, how can we expect to be of any use to others?

Do not, however, confuse this with being selfish (which I think is a horrible word, but that's another blog post).  Taking care of ourselves is mandatory, because...when you think about it...you're all you've got.

Put the oxygen mask on yourself first, then proceed to assist others.  (Complimentary peanuts and soft drinks will be distributed momentarily.)

(c)2013 Robyn M. King.  All Rights Reserved.


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