Relationships: The Breakup Recovery Plan

[Note:  Although this entry was written for a woman in a heterosexual relationship, these same principles will help anyone whose relationship has ended.]

Whether you were together for two weeks, six months, or four years, breakups hurt.  A LOT.  What’s worse, they can be really hard to get past.   A breakover is a set plan that moves you from the initial pain of a breakup to re-creating your life into what you want, better than what you had, with your confidence lifted and personal integrity intact.  It's meant to be followed in numerical order. With the help of Greg Behrendt and Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt (authors of It’s Called a Breakup Because It’s Broken), here is The Breakover Plan (click on #1 to get started):
2. Get yourself a Breakup Buddy.
3. Gather your Dream Team
4. Allow yourself to grieve. 
5. Get rid of his stuff.
6. In with the new:  Reclaim your living space.
7. Meet with a counselor.  
8. Do a self-inventory
9. Assess the relationship realistically.  
10. Get moving and stay busy.
11. No public breakdowns or tantrums. 
12. Never leave the house wearing something you wouldn’t want to run into your ex in.
13. No backsliding.  
14. Celebrate all successes...big and small

[Source:  Behrendt, Greg & Amiira Ruotola-Behrendt.  It's called a breakup because it's broken.  New York:  Broadway Books, 2005.  Print.] 
(c) 2011-2016 Robyn King. All Rights Reserved.


Dayna said...

Yes, I keyed his car NO I'm not crazy, What's crazy to me is a guy that askes you to marry him within a month of knowing you, talks about having babies with you telling you that your his world, his happiness his everything. That he loves you, needs you and wants you more than anything and he would never leave you. Tells you that he has never had a love so intense or a girl that was so good to him and even insists on buying your wedding dress ( and there is so much more he told me ) and then breaking off the engagement 2months later only to start dating another girl and having her moving in with him. That to me is crazy and could drive anybody crazy trying to comprehend such actions. I have never shown any kind of hostility towards him while we were together and I am not a mean person but I am passionate and when I love someone its for real, not just words. I apologized to him and gave him money to fix it and have been asking god for forgiveness ever since I wonder if we'll ever take into consideration what they do when they play with someone's emotions like that nothing are consequences( not excusing my actions) I'm just so tired of hearing people say that you're crazy if you do this I'm not crazy I'm a woman that fell in love with a man and leave everything he told me. people forgive people who cheat on their everyday, why do people seem to think that keying someone s car so much worse ?

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